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Leading providers of investment
advisory solutions.

Operations & Maintenance

Operational readiness forms an essential component of our asset and integrity management proficiency. GSP meticulously plans and executes critical activities from the inception of the asset's lifecycle, ensuring a smooth transition to efficient, safe, and sustainable operations and production.

Our Expertise

Our operational readiness strategy aligns an organization's physical assets, personnel, processes, and digital platforms well before the project commences.


At GSP, we recognize that operational readiness plays a pivotal role in enhancing project success, mitigating risks, and ensuring sustained operation.


This meticulous process ensures that an asset is fully prepared to commence its operations safely, adhering to the highest design standards, and operating efficiently and sustainably.


These services are seamlessly integrated with our extensive engineering expertise, allowing us to develop and incorporate asset and integrity management solutions at every stage of a development's life cycle.


Operational readiness is a proactive approach that identifies and addresses risks early, reducing the gap between anticipated and actual performance.

Expertise and Proficiencies

Our core services provide clients with operational peace of mind, assuring them that through our dedicated strategic partnerships, their assets will operate efficiently, within budget, and in pursuit of the shared objective of safe operations.

GSP ensures;

Physical assets are ready: Equipment and processes starting within an operational context will deliver optimal performance
People are ready: People are on-board, trained and equipped
Processes are ready: Seamless integration into existing business processes
Information systems are ready: Critical business information is available from the first day of operation