
GSP is dedicated to empowering farmers with innovative solutions and expert guidance. We focus on sustainable
agriculture, maximizing productivity, and enhancing profitability. Our team of seasoned consultants is committed to
supporting your journey towards agricultural success and a thriving future.

Our Expertise

Throughout history, the dynamic relationship between agriculture and humankind has undergone continual transformation. However, contemporary factors have shifted this equilibrium and accelerated the pace of change. Disruptive technologies, global competition, and pressing ecological concerns compel leaders in agribusiness to embark on innovative ventures that prioritize sustainability—both for the planet and their corporate bottom line. In addressing these challenges, we offer assistance for your prosperity. Our agriculture consulting teams possess the expertise to guide you in sustainable growth, reshape your cost structure, or modernize your operating model. Drawing upon a global network of experts, we provide insights into the latest developments in regenerative and green agriculture, alternative protein, fermentation, and plant-based protein production. With extensive experience across the entire agricultural value chain, we help you capitalize on opportunities related to fertilizers, equipment, and biofuels. Our track record includes assisting clients in enhancing yields and maximizing profits, whether they are involved in dairy, seeds, beef, chicken, turkey, fish, or a variety of crops like corn, wheat, rice, oilseeds, and sugarcane. In the face of rising global demand and limited arable land, maximizing yields and streamlining the operating model becomes increasingly critical. Our specialization lies in helping you achieve a self-reinforcing cycle of discipline, integrating operational excellence, capital productivity, commercial excellence, technology and data, and organizational capabilities. Acknowledging the complexities of your business, where competition for alternative fuel sources is intense and governmental regulations are subject to change, we offer support. Navigating these challenges alone is not necessary. As the responsibility to feed the world population in the future rests on the shoulders of agriculture companies, operating with vision, discipline, and adaptability becomes paramount. We are here to help you tackle every challenge, even those that may be unforeseen.

Assisting agriculture and food enterprises and organizations in navigating transformative trends and technologies, with a focus on influencing the overall evolution of the food system.

We expedite sustainable and inclusive growth, creating transformational impact for food and agriculture companies and organizations. Our approach involves enhancing efficiencies, fostering growth, influencing industry dynamics, and improving organizational effectiveness. Rooted in proprietary tools, digital technologies, and advanced analytics capabilities, our extensive experience forms the foundation of the value we provide to our clients..

What We do

We advise clients across the agricultural value chain on a broad range of topics, including but not limited to:

Raw-materials management

  • We help consumer-packaged-goods and processing companies improve performance within their raw-agricultural-materials procurement and risk-management functions.

Investment opportunity identification

  • We have created a unique perspective on value-creation pools and investment opportunities in food and agriculture. We bring this perspective to our work with private-equity groups and financial investors—and to our work supporting industry players as they plan for strategic growth.

Fresh-food supply chain management

  • We use an end-to-end perspective on supply-chain management to help our clients reduce shrinkage and optimize the quality and cost of their fresh fruits, vegetables, and meat

Farm operations improvement

  • Increasingly, we are developing approaches that help farm operators and land-holding management companies drive operational improvements.

Rural development

  • We help national governments and development partners in emerging economies develop their agriculture sectors, and we work with donor agencies and foundations that support rural agriculture.