Investment opportunity in Afghanistan

Connecting people and place meaningfully

Our Expertise

We take pride in our ability to provide innovative design solutions that are tailored to the site's unique characteristics and driven by a commitment to achieve sustainable outcomes for both the environment and the community. Landscape Architecture plays a pivotal role in shaping our environments and defining the spaces where we reside. It takes into account various influences such as local context, society, land features, natural structures, environment, and climate to create meaningful and functional places. Essentially, we deliver comprehensive design, engineering, and planning solutions spearheaded by our dedicated Project Directors and Functional Leads. GSP has a wealth of experience in generating thorough Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments for a diverse range of projects, spanning from renewable and conventional energy facilities to ports and linear infrastructure like roads and railways. Our expertise encompasses the creation of visual simulations, on-site and off-site mitigation measures, and negotiations with landowners on behalf of our clients. Our Landscape Architecture team boasts a well-established reputation in the design and construction industry, bringing extensive global experience to projects involving the external environment.

Expertise and Proficiencies

Leveraging our expansive global network, we have showcased our expertise in the diverse realm of landscape architecture, offering services such as: Commercial and industrial developments Cycleways and Shared Streets Greenfield and infill urban developments Integrated masterplans Landscape and urban design guidelines Landscape and visual impact assessments Major transport infrastructure Mitigation and site rehabilitation works Parks and Open Spaces Plans of Management Retail, streetscapes and activity centres School and university campus design Sports Grounds Waterfront, foreshore and marina developments Wetlands and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)