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Leading providers of investment
advisory solutions.

Pedestrian Modelling

Our versatile team of transport planners, engineers, and modelers is equipped to assist you in the planning, design, and management of areas with high pedestrian traffic, including railway stations, airports, stadiums, major events, and emergency evacuation scenarios. Leveraging cutting-edge software, GSP can simulate the movement of up to a million passengers using our robust research and server-class workstations.

Our Expertise

GSP offers a comprehensive pedestrian modeling solution, drawing upon our vast expertise in designing pathways and corridors for pedestrian flow. We assess waiting area sizes, forecast travel and wait times, and evaluate pedestrian safety and comfort.


Our tools and methodologies differentiate between various types of pedestrian movements, including commuters, shoppers, tourists, and joggers.


Utilizing world-class pedestrian simulation software, we collaborate seamlessly with architects and designers, incorporating drawings and building information modeling (BIM) inputs. Our models encompass vertical and bi-directional movement infrastructures like elevators, escalators, and staircases, allowing us to evaluate pedestrian movement within multi-level buildings.

Expertise and Proficiencies

Pedestrian simulation- sidewalks, roads, car interactions, public transport stations
Traffic simulation – traffic-calmed zones, meeting areas, residential streets and pubic spaces
Unregulated stretches
Physical elements and timetables
Capacity of pedestrian infrastructure, including queues for gates, security checks, evacuation routes and emergency exits
Estimate required safe egress time during emergencies
Travel and delay measurement